Tuesday, August 9, 2011

starting the day.

Contemplative reflections and prayer time can be such a beautiful start to a day. One particular prayer that I love is by a man named Frederick Buechner. I encourage you to start your day with this one. Read it once slowly, sit in silence and take it in, and then read it again.Perhaps you want to read it alone, maybe there's a loved one in your life that you can pause with and read together. However you choose to, let it wash over you. May this be a moment for you to open your heart and take in your life. this life. today.

“Lord catch me off guard today.

Surprise me with some moment of beauty or pain.

So that at least for the moment

I may be startled into seeing that you are here

In all your splendor,

Always and everywhere,

Barely hidden,



Within this life I breathe”

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